Winter Wonders
- What is in a Trio Blend Pourtables Pack?
- What is the shelf life?
- How many times can you use a single Pourtable?
- What water temperature is best?
- Can it be used with milk?
- How many grams are in each Pourtable?
- Is your coffee pod compatible with the Caffitaly system?
- What are the Pods made of and are they certified compostible to Australian standards?
- Can the Pods be placed in domestic composter pile/bin?
- Can empty pods be placed in kerbside (Council) green waste bins?
- How long will a Pod take to breakdown in a commercial composter?
- What Pod machine is this compatible with P&R Specialty Pods?
Takeaway Cups & Lids
- Can BioPak cups & lids be composted?
- Can bioplastic products be composted?
- Compostable vs biodegradable?
- If we just order cups, will there be a charge?
- Are you going to do a double walled cup?
- We are receiving some feedback on our takeaway cup sizes. Who do I talk to about this?
- What is the most ordered coffee in Australia?
- What coffee suits Custom-made Iced Coffee?
- What Origins make up Trailblazer? How often does this change?
- What Origins make up Porter Street? How often does this change?
- What Origins make up Pioneer? How often does this change?
- Can I offer more than one main blend?
Single Origin
- What is the shelf life of Chai Powder?
- Do you have recommended recipe ratio for your Chai powder?
- What is in your Chocolate Powder?
- What is in your Turmeric Powder?
- Where can I find Powder recipes?
- Is it normal that my chocolate powder is not sifting through my shaker very well?
Other Products
Brewing, Recipes and Ageing
- Does your Chai contain caffeine?
- My Coffee isn't tasting its best, what do I do?
- Where can I find coffee recipes?
- How do I find out the best grind setting for my coffee?
- Does ground coffee age faster than beans?
- I am ageing my coffee in store, when is Trailblazer at its prime? and what is its shelf life?